Making the Most of the Holiday Season: 5 Ways to Give Back to Clients

I honestly can’t believe the year is almost over already!

It feels like we were all just screaming “Happy New Year!” and mapping out our 2022 and in the blink of an eye we’re on the heels of 2023. For every new year we start to plan out personal goals and what we’re leaving behind. “On to bigger and better things” is usually the motto.

Well…what about your clients?

I think every year your clients deserve a newer and more improved business flow from you. At the end of the day, they’re investing in you and without them, let’s be honest….you wouldn’t be where you are now. Showing a little gratitude can go a long way when it comes to building up your business relationships and maintaining them. So, I started to ask myself, “If I were a client, what would I want”?

To get into the holiday season, I started to think of ways to give back to my clients and I figured I’d share some with you guys too! These are just some simple and easy ways to get started with giving back to the clients that have supported you over the years.

☎️Referral Program

For me, referrals have been Queen for me. A referral is amazing because a potential client gets to receive first-hand experience form someone that is working with you. How likely are you to buy something or join a service if your friend is having a great experience? Exactly. It would pretty much be a no brainer on your part. Give your clients a treat whenever they send a great referral your way. It’s an awesome way to say thank you for the business and I appreciate you at the same. Discounting their package/service for the following month after their referral completes at least 30 days with you is just one way you can implement a referral program.

🎈Birthday Discount or gift

Nothing says happy birthday like something free or a discount. We all love getting gifts for our birthday and clients are no different. What better way to celebrate a birthday, than with a discount or a nice gift! A gift card, mug, a good book or package discount for their birthday month could be much appreciated. The amount of the discount is totally up to you. It can be based on how much a client spends with you or give a flat birthday rate for all of your clients.

🎁Christmas Discount or gift

With Christmas around the corner, now would be a great time to send a little gift to clients. Something small but meaningful would do just the trick. Of course, a significant discount for December or January would be an awesome surprise as well.

🎉Anniversary Gift

Celebrate your amazing partnership with your clients by giving a token of appreciation for their partnership with you. It’s a great way to recognize the longevity of the partnership you’ve created with your client and how much you’ve both grown together.

📇Business Upgrades

I think upgrading your workflows and client experience can speak volumes to a client. It’s another way of showing your worth and essentially showing your client where their investment is going. It’s important to reinvest into your business as often as you can because you shouldn’t be using the same systems that you’ve had from day one. Providing a higher level of service, attracts a higher level of client and a higher quality of system should be used to match these upgrades.

Whatever you see fit and depending on the market that you’re in, your version of giving back can look a little different than everyone else’s. Try implementing these gives backs for the new year and let me know hwat worked and what didn’t!

Drop a comment on how you’ve given back to clients and how it was received.

Happy holidays!

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